Friday, March 13, 2009

Just another Two Weeks!

Really coming to an end..!!! Wonder how does it feel when you have term Break!! Its been long since this word appear in my life. Haha.... Now i so proud go tell everyone i have term Break!!! But still have to work!! Sigh!!!

I hope to see or meet some of you during that time!! I will be guiding tours to Science centre!! Tell Children about science and explain it to them!! Educational Tour!! Wonderful!!

Dealing with Children again!! Today In a while more i will be presenting my last presentation for this term and and i am looking forward to the next term which involve a lot of Numbers and all sorts of Algebra!!! Asked me BRA i can recomment good BRA!!! Asked me ALGEBRA confirm i give you Nuts in a piece.... Hopefully lecturer is nice enough to pass all of us!!! :D

Nothing so much about shopping now... As i have put on weight so got no chance to get new Clothes!!! Tak boleh!!! Cause not Sexy Enough!!! Whoa!!! What a me!!! Got Hubby still Live a life of Singleness!!!


Anyway have to go now to prepare wish me luck and all the best!!!!

Kisses to all!!!

Dar I love you!!!


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