Saturday, February 25, 2012

What is an Event Officer Life about?

Interestingly this topic come up to me, seating here just thinking and crapping with mum and dad whole time.

History time Of I get started.

The answer is Home and again my family not from event line and non of them in this role. I started when I was 14 if i am not wrong. Anyway, my sister study in Russia Federation and every summer she will be back and when she returns, we will throw her big Party.
Just by helping out and entertain friends and family keep situation under control it was perfect and to make sure the Food and Beverage is Enough.

Growing From there....

It was till I am in University for doing my diploma in Hospitality and also involve myself in hosting function for free and being paid a minimum sum of RM50 for working two days and sometimes to make matter worse not even being paid as a volunteer. Over the Two years regardless of any event, I will try my best to be in it and more then 6 pages of CV now currently collected. almost 50 over event I have participated. Good Boss to Wicked Boss to bosses know nothing.

The present times now.....

I am in my final year of degree finally. Hopefully to finish it. Is not easy but always start from the bottom. Here people are confuse, what is she talking about suddenly say she is studying then working events which is which..?? Well the answer to that is I study in University Full time Basis, I work Part-time by project basis.

I had the best time While working while studying. People say is tough, I think is fun. I have learned a lot way more than other when I work. Job Opportunity are falling in like crazy, bosses I will definitely miss my current boss whom I work with.

Message to the Young,

An events person have to be all rounder. Your PR have to be very very super good to maintain the relationship with Client and also Suppliers they are the people that support you all the way if anything goes wrong in there.

Never asked for the pay first. Work first if you are lucky to be given Chances to be involved.

More question Feel free to asked me in the Comment Box.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentines, Departure, Departure....

Well weeks been great for me and i find that the distance felt more and more. Am i losing myself. I am not too sure. Anyway Intern is coming to an end and there goes the 15 weeks with nothing on my report and I am happy to be here. I am not too sure if the friend whom i know is alright or not. I dare not question much as she do not want to talk about it. Thought I am worried but hope she is well and that is the most I could do for her. Well 15 weeks distance have witness itself and I am not too sure if to Transfer or continue or probably get a break from the School. Peer Pressure mainly from Parents I suppose.

Okie People Back to Valentine. The most simple valentine. I am out with most my cousins. Wonderful time with them. Andrew thanks for the simple one rose you get for your both sisters. Love love!

When there is arrival there is always Departure, The weeks has arrived so fast and all I know everyone is back to where they are. Sigh. Big Wait.

I had to most amazing year again and I thank God for the wonderful moment that he sent to me. Nevertheless I am said and depress but I count my blessing each day for that. I want to create a lifestyle that is for the environment that I belong. Great Love.

Anyways Signing off..... My Gals are soon to be out again!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 2012

Hello people,

4 more days to Valentines day. Life took a turning point yesterday when i decided to see a master to find about my astrological of birth and my name and my life.

Is weird somethings are true some things are not yet happen. May be still young i guest. Hmm. I am really going to keep up with my dance. My master advise me by doing so. Life is Great for me but will have to work hard.

Somethings i have thought about doing such as Donate blood but i scare pain. But now master say must do.... so i do.... and also Charity despite I am broke yea still need the money, Aiyoo..... These are the things that I have to do. There are reasons behind them. Hopefully it will be okie after that. And in this month! Now Blood donation Charity drive I am coming for you. Orphanage here i come..... Kids Watch out!! love is all over the place.

certain scary things like I might be liking girls, i look down upon Guy capability, I am always a dreamer, I cannot stay still in my job. It requires me to be Running everywhere, I might have body parts with a pair that have sickness. such as Breast, kidney and lung.

I lay my life to Destiny that speaks. I honor the love that I receive, To kneel down and pray i speaks my heart to Lord, As to which I hear you much

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mother's Endless Love

Today will be the day my cousin getting married as in Officially registration. The little period of timeline that was given to us make us feel happy for her but at the same we are quite worried for her.

I feel for her mother who is my aunt. Throughout the years I witness the failure of my cousin despite the fact, her mother is sad but yet still support her all the way in her life. The endless mistake she has made and the journey of her life was rough.

My aunt patiently standby her placing her back on the right track and hold her when she falls and love her with endless love.

Something tear my heart was to see that till the last day of being bachelor she stills argue with the mother and never give in.

Three of us can witness the sadness in her eyes but she swallow all the pain. I could feel it because I am someone's daughter.

Deep down in my heart I am praying to God that someday she will realize how much her mother have done for her and love her till the end.

Hope everything goes on smoothly. Best wishes for her!