Monday, October 8, 2012

October 2012

Pretty fast month that have just gone by. Middle of my 6 weeks in Uni now. Life have been greats friends are coming and leaving for Good. Great friends are found over a period of ups and down in life. Looking back where things weren't so complicated.


At first thinkin October will be smoother than September but it was a rough month. Drama in life sometimes wakes you up to be a better person and it some sort of Self realization in a good way that you will need to learn. My sister is something I am always worried for. She is a princess conceptualize person in my mind. So delicate and so fragile at heart. Watching her going through dramas and her ups and her down is drastic motion.

Could it be simpler, Sometimes I do Wonder.

November will be a Busy month with Wedding and Performance. I have Exactly 8 weeks to survive through my degree. The most unlikeable term of all. The most not happy Season of Two Years.... Really Cannot wait to be ended. Funny thing is When I leave school I miss nothing when Everyone says you will miss school. I miss nothing. When I am in Diploma I know I will have the best of the Best Memories Ever....True enough. Degree meeting these people gives me nightmare and not a time that I wish I would like to keep it in my Memories.

Its been a therapy for me by doing dance and is a good Way I express myself!